Critical Translanguaging in Language & Literacy Classrooms
I research teaching & learning within critical translanguaging classrooms, or those that both disrupt ideological linguistic boundaries & explore the intersections of language, identity, & power through literacy, & particularly writing/composing.
I provide both virtual and in-person professional learning experiences on translanguaging and how to shift policies, practices, and ways of thinking so that teachers and schools can work with multilingual learners in equitable, humanizing ways.
I research the preparation of teachers, particularly those who identify as white and English-speaking, to work with racialized bi/multilingual learners. My research draws from my teaching and my work with teachers in Professional Development contexts.
CUNY-NYSIEB (New York State Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals) was a New York State Education Department-funded research project that worked with schools in NYS from 2011-2019.